'Seven men share one destiny…their battles continue until evil perishes, and justice prevails.'
The Legend of the Quest
by Tannertexaslady
Brothers in Arms - The Quest of the Broadsword
by Sue M
Hell in Culloden
by Wendymypooh
Ghostly Visitor
by Wendymypooh
A Little Lost
by Mary Ann
Blood and Roses
by Tannertexaslady and Wendymypooh
(MCAT Universe)
'The promise of our Legacy lives within
us. We were, we are, and will be again.'
The Legend Chronicles AU is inspired by the MCAT story, 'Code of Honor.' This AU spans different settings and times, recounting the many stories of their Quests. This AU is het only and contributed stories must include at least a mention of 'The Legend Book'. Find information about The Legends of the Quest @ http://www.tannertexaslady.com/codeofhonor.html