Old West Universe

by Lyn

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For the last two weeks that's all Vin had thought about, getting away and having some time to himself, all alone.

And now he was free for as long as he wanted to be.

Free to fish all day or hunt or just lay back and watch the clouds if that’s what he wanted to do.

And he had every intention to do all those things and more.

Vin pulled his horse up to a stop and took a deep breath of clean air, not tainted by the smells you get when amongst men.

He looked around him at the never ending plain, the mountains off to one side, the creek he had stopped near, the small copse of trees, the field of desert wild flowers . . .

. . . and gently turned his horse back toward town and his friends.

He was alone, and for the first time in his life, he realized that he didn’t want to be.

The End

Comments to: LKAbels@gmail.com