DISCLAIMER: aren't mine, never have been, never will be..although <g> anyway. . . don't sue me. . . have nothing of interest for you. . . unless you like dogs <g>


WARNINGS: bad words. . . more than I usually put in. . . but felt it necessary for the story.

NOTES/COMMENTS: I can't remember who came up with the idea for JD to be in High School. . . but whoever you are. . . great idea!! Thanks! Once again, thanks to Mog (like she has a clue who I am) for creating this oh so cool AU. . . it's so much fun to play. . . hope ya' don't mind me inviting myself to play. Just a note. . . Ferret. . . made it up. . . I have no idea if they even exist in gang life and if they do. . . I have no idea what you'd call them. . . guess you'd call that a 'liberty.'

Part 01 - 05

Part 06 - 10

Part 11 - 14

Part 15 - 17

Part 18 - 20

Part 21 - 22

Part 23 - 25

Comments to: karinmilligan@hotmail.com