A "Magnificent Seven" tale set in the universe of Dungeons & Dragons
Improved By: Jackie, Jean, Shay, and Thalia. These people really know how to combine corrections with encouragement. Without their help, this story would have suffered from furry storms, Indian fakirs, annoying rings, and a whole lot of missing commas. If you like the story, all the honor and accolades go to themVery Special Thanks: To Nancy, for inspiring the story and giving it such a wonderful home. She also created the fantastic images which just go to prove that a picture really is worth a thousand words.
Brief Explanation: The idea for this story came from a descriptive phrase in Nancy's story, One Day in Sector Seven. Set in a StarTrek AU, she cast Vin as a Vulcan and described him as looking like an elf. (It's a great story, by the way, and I highly recommend it.) The phrase "like an elf" stuck in my mind and gradually evolved intoThe Magnificent Quest.
A few background notes: 'Bysha' is the goddess worshipped by the majority of the human population. 'The Seven Pits' are the equivalent of our Hell. The worse the sinner, the lower the pit he is sent to. 'Candlemarks' are about an hour in length. A 'turn' refers to a set of seasons and so is approximately one year. If you read the story and come across something you don't understand and would like an explanation, feel free to write to me I'll make up an answer and send it back to you.
Size: Approx. 985K